Friday, December 14, 2012

Declining Rates of Childhood Obesity

A New York Times article was published on December 10 about several cities reporting declining  rates of childhood obesity. Many people have asked me my thoughts on this news which I approach with very cautious optimism.

Although this is good news and it seems to indicate that Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign has increased awareness around this issue, we still have a long way to go.

Until we (parents, teachers, coaches, administrators,local governments, scout leaders,) truly start creating healthier environments for our kids AND making health a priority in our communities and schools, I am afraid we are still stuck.

No doubt there has been progress, mostly in raising awareness, but I still see our kids not learning how to make healthy choices and being put in situations where there aren't healthy choices available. Again, isn't this our responsibility to create healthy environments for our kids and to teach them how to make healthy choices?

To change these environments, we need to change behaviors. To change behaviors, we need to educate and we need to educate everyone about the reasons why our kids need to make healthy choices around food and exercise.

Here are a few specific environmental changes  that I hope to see some day:

1) PE in schools everyday. We see academic and behavioral benefits with just 20 minutes of PE a day. Isn't that enough information to provide PE everyday?

2) No food at school (outside of snack and lunch). Yes, I know this sounds harsh but it is too hard and too unhealthy!(allergies, larger classes so more birthdays, multiple holidays, takes time away from lessons, hurt feelings from kids who can't bring something etc.)  Let's offer extra PE time instead!

3) No treats at sporting events and scouting events! If it is an appropriate snack time, provide fruit and/or vegetables and water. I will never forget my daughter going to a 5:00 pm scouting meeting to eat brownies before coming home for dinner.I know food is fun but why does every single event have to involve food - and unhealthy food at that!

Let's start there. Then we can tackle supermarkets...

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